We got the chance to sit down with a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) from Granny NANNIES to hear about a day in the life of a caregiver. Learn from a compassionate CNA as she tells us about her experience with Granny NANNIES and how she’s been able to make a difference in people’s lives as a caregiver in the home health care field.
Q: Tell us about your background in the home health care field.
A: I’ve been accepting referrals from Granny NANNIES for two years now. I became licensed in the state of Florida in May 2012. I started out as a nursing assistant and then transitioned to home health care and have been in the industry since then.
Q: When and how did you become involved with Granny NANNIES?
A: Granny NANNIES has been in business since 1990. I was familiar with Granny NANNIES and its excellent reputation prior to joining the organization. When I chose to enter the field, Granny NANNIES was one of the businesses I knew I wanted to interview with. In my interview, I had an inspiring conversation about the background of Granny NANNIES and why it was founded. It was my first time in the home health care field and, because of the loss of my mother, it inspired me to work in this industry.
One doesn’t have to look very far to see Granny NANNIES’ reputation. From personal experience, it’s been a tremendous place to work for.
People tend to go [to work] with their hands, their knowledge and a calling to serve others with compassion. There are challenges of course, but the benefits outweigh them when caring for an individual. You have families to consider and care for. Oftentimes, you feel like you’re part of the family and you learn their expectations. Each individual’s needs are different. So the challenges can be different, but I do believe routine is essential, and I’ve learned so much from families training me on what they need.
Q: What is your day-to-day like as a caregiver referred by Granny NANNIES?
A: I usually have a scheduled week up to seven days. I start my days being welcomed into the home. By then, I’m familiar with the health care plan Granny NANNIES has provided for me. I then do a background and an assessment of the patient. It’s amazing to walk in and the first part of the day you’re checking vitals and talking with the individual and making them comfortable. My mornings typically revolve around personal hygiene, medication and meals. They often involve trips to the doctor as well, where we see if there are any changes in medical care. The client will also let me know weekly if there are any specific changes.
As the day progresses, it’s lovely to see them interact in certain ways that go beyond just medical attention, but more so showing their personality.
You really get to know your clients. Especially with Alzheimer’s, over a span of months, you begin to see changes. Trying to revive our clients’ passion with different forms of treatment and therapy such as classical music, literature and arts. I’m heavily involved in the arts and strongly believe it helps. I used to give hospice patients a sketchpad as a therapeutic device.
Q: What is the most rewarding part of your work?
A: I tend to think back on different people I’ve been able to work with. I’d have to say the relationships and friendships I’ve obtained and memories I’ve made with families. It takes time to develop a relationship. You have a paper with information, but it takes trust to develop a bond.
I had a patient who was a master chef. At the height of his career, he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. However, he’s been able to go to meetings and events and is actually being honored for his efforts. If I can give encouragement to someone like that and help them feel like themselves again, that’s the most rewarding thing. Especially when the client is at their most vulnerable. What I gain is making a difference in a family’s suffering and in someone’s life.
Q: Do you have any memorable stories to share?
A: The most memorable story would be my first client because I got to watch the relationships grow between the patient and the family. I had many memories over that time. She was afflicted with Alzheimer’s and by the end of my time with her she unfortunately did pass. At the funeral, I was so humbled when her husband said I had become a friend to her. It just makes all the difference.
There are times I leave a client and think, “Wow, what a great feeling and opportunity to provide this service.” It’s a life experience that is very, very rewarding at the end of the day.
Q: What would you say to people who are considering hiring Granny NANNIES that makes them special?
A: Granny NANNIES is the leader of the industry. The registry tremendous compassion and a variety of services to help anyone seeking our assistance as much as we can.
The support staff also make an incredible difference. They make sure all the bases are covered and Granny NANNIES can provide the necessary care. The communication is ongoing between clients and caregivers to ensure we know what the clients needs are.
With my own family, home health care would be the way to go. Granny NANNIES has caregivers who are very open and participate in nursing homes in hospitals. It’s wonderful, the different background of care providers available for families.
Q: To those in the home health care field, why would you recommend working with Granny NANNIES?
A: At the end of the day, I know that I have love and support from the company. They’re always patient and reinforcing. If there’s something that needs to be done differently, they’re there to navigate me and it’s made all the difference. Granny NANNIES hits it out of the park every time. It is the caregiving industry, after all. I have a great admiration for those who care for people. It’s very special and I’m grateful to be a part of it.
If you or a loved one are looking for quality home health care, the Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) and Home Health Aides (HHAs) referred by Granny NANNIES are trained to provide the special care required and can do so in the privacy and comfort of home. CNAs and HHAs assist in routine, daily activities, such as personal care as well as with monitoring cognitive risk factors.
Granny NANNIES was established in 1990 to provide seniors with in-home care. Operating under the founding premise that reliable and affordable senior home care should be available to everyone, Granny NANNIES offers personalized services to meet the requirements of any individual, regardless of age or need, in their home. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we provide quality and trustworthy in-home care for you and your loved ones. For more information on how we can help you, call 800-316-2669.