Chronic pain not only affects the body, but it also affects emotions, relationships, and the mind. It can cause anxiety and depression, which can worsen the pain.
These tips can help you cope with the changes accompanying growing older and live life to the fullest.
- Exercise – while it may seem counterintuitive, movement helps reduce pain, try walking every day.
- Positive thoughts – watch a funny movie, listen to music, talk to a friend.
- Relax/Rest – adequate sleep can help you stay positive
- Eat healthy – taking care of yourself gives you a feeling of control and independence.
There are good days and bad days scattered throughout our lives. Aging doesn’t mean you’re doomed to a steady state of decline. Staying healthy and feeling your best is important at any age
Many seniors and families will need to turn to professional caregiving services as a means to remain independent in their homes. Knowing when to seek outside help and where to find quality care can be challenging, Granny NANNIES was established in 1990 to provide seniors with in-home care. Operating under the founding premise that reliable and affordable senior home care should be available to everyone; professional care providers offer personalized services to meet the requirements of any individual, regardless of age or need, in their home. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we refer quality and trustworthy in-home care for you and your loved ones. For more information on how we can help you, call 800-316-2669 or visit our website at