One son or daughter always does more to take care of their parents. Circumstances often dictate this, it’s not necessarily anybody being casual or lazy or being thoughtless. Some logistics make it so that one daughter or son usually does more.
As elderly parents begin to rely on family for more support, the amount of conflict between adult children can increase. Siblings often disagree when faced with decisions about elderly parent’s care and how much care is needed. Often the child who lives closest to their aging parent, or has the closest emotional relationship, will assume the main caregiver role. When other family members don’t readily offer to help, the primary caregiver can feel isolated, alone, and resentful.
Our relationship with our elders can be complex, and sometimes we still carry the burden of familial resentments long past. Our own lives may be wobbly, too, as we balance kids, work, and friends and our health on top of caring tasks.
Some children may live out of town, (Long Distance Caregiver) and can help in other ways such as making doctor appointments and getting test results over the phone, arranging for visiting-nurse services and food deliveries, and managing loved one’s finances online.
Remember: You can’t do this alone. You’re going to need help- Treat caregiving as a business. Assign a “CEO” to organize the family team and let each member choose the task he or she will manage. And when the time comes, many seniors and families will need to turn to professional caregiving services as a means to remain independent in their homes. Knowing when to seek outside help and where to find quality care can be challenging, Granny NANNIES was established in 1990 to provide seniors with in-home care. Operating under the founding premise that reliable and affordable senior home care should be available to everyone; professional care providers offer personalized services to meet the requirements of any individual, regardless of age or need, in their home. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we refer quality and trustworthy in-home care for you and your loved ones. For more information on how we can help you call 800-316-2669 or visit our website at
- Note – the family CEO is the leader who communicates with us most directly so we can better follow your loved one’s needs with quality and consistency.